Illyrian Home

About us
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Illyrian Home


Inspired by innovation and social responsibility, we work every day with dedication and professionalism to deserve your trust by offering correct and elite service.



The first Albanian company with international power.


In how many countries do we offer the service?

We offer service and extensive coverage in every country of Albania. Thanks to the high network of contacts, marketing power, but also successful collaborations with agents in the respective cities, they enable us to offer the client a fast professional service with positive results.


Find the property you are looking for with us!

Illyrian Home – Real Estate is a company made up of a professional team in providing real estate brokerage services, for sale ⁄ purchase ⁄ rent ⁄ investment. Our staff stands on human values of trust and serious commitment.


Every day’s work is characterized by correctness, positive energy, courtesy, group harmony, and sincerity. Long experience in the real estate market and continuous training make us offer you a differentiated and high quality service. Keeping up to date with the most up-to-date information makes us well versed in the real estate market.


In our Company, we treat every request and property seriously, being dedicated to our customers. This makes us give the importance and deserved value to all cases. With us, your request finds a solution. We support the process with the effective organizational structure we have built, offering professional service at all stages of the transaction, until its successful finalization.


Our agents!

We are a dedicated team, built on the values of trust, support, cooperation, harmony and positivity. Every day of ours is characterized by correctness, sincerity, professionalism and hard work, this has made us differentiate ourselves, offering you the best consultancy on the real estate market,

  • Area Prices
  • Quality of Constructions
  • Advantages / Facilities of the Area
  • Get to know the Community that lives in the area.

Contact us!

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Kam mbetur shume e kenaqur me performancen tuaj ne pune. Transaksionet financiare u realizuan pa asnje problem dhe cdo detaj u trajtua me hollesi. Dua te shpreh gjithashtu mirenjohjen time notereve, znj. Moza dhe znj. Linda per profesionalizmin dhe korrektesine e tyre. Ju uroj gjithe te mirat dhe shume suksese ne te ardhmen. Faleminderit perseri per perkrahjen dhe kujdesin tuaj te shkelqyer.
Suzana Gunga


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The best out there!!
Landi Dermyshi


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Very professional service from great guys that inform you in detail about everything🥇🥇🥇
Arden Kastrati


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Vendi ku mund te gjeni shtepine e endrrave . Super staf 😍
Arvina Lleshi


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Excellent choice. The team is lovely and very helpful. In the end of the day u will have the house u ‘ve always dreamed of 🙂
Sara Mihali


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Sherbim profesional,staf serioz dhe te sjellshem ku po positiviteti nuk mungon. Keshilloj shume kete agjensi ku me Ka rene rasti me Kane gjetur dhe klient shume serioz dhe ne rast shitje me Kane keshilluar si mund te shisja pronen time ne kohe rekord dhe me cmimin e deshiruar. Vleresimim maksimal dhe respekt.
Masimo Hajdari


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Prona Illyrian Home
Gjej Pronen Qe Po Kerkon Illyrian Home

Find the property you want

Illyrian Home – Real Estate stands on Strong Foundations, thanks to the trust of our clients. This makes us work with responsibility and dedication every day. Together we are power!